Inuvik Qayaq Club Principles

a) To foster and promote traditional Inuvialuit qayaq skills and techniques; all facets of Inuit qayaq culture; and recreational sea kayaking skills and techniques

b) To foster the training of traditional Inuvialuit qayaq skills and techniques; and recreational sea kayaking skills and techniques

c) Host and run traditional Inuvialuit qayaq skills and technique training courses and workshops; traditional Inuvialuit qayaq and qayaq related equipment building courses and workshops; recreational sea kayaking skills and technique training courses and workshops

d) To do all things incidental to these purposes

Friday 6 January 2017

Sunday Afternoon Qayaq Practice

If you're either a seasoned qayaq roller with barnacles growing on you or are just curious to learn qayaq skills feel free to join us on Sunday afternoons at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex here in Inuvik.

These sessions run from 5PM-6PM in the pool,when the pool is open. We have a selection of skin on frame qayaqs and other sea kayaks and gear to use.  Bring your swimming gear, and we suggest you bring a synthetic shirty to help reduce scuffs and scrapes and your goggles and nose plugs.  Our club members will be happy to either coach you in all things qayaq, especially rolling.  The cost is the pool drop in fee.

Getting ready to get wet.
For more current information and posts on our practice sessions join us on our Inuvik Qayaq Club Facebook page.